"Vomiting Sparrows Man"
Photo Still from the performance art piece "Vomiting Sparrows Man".
At the arts festival Burning Man, at the camp "Vomiting Sparrows" Bonafede placed a canvas on the ground before walking in front of the audience naked except for his goggles. Random musicians and a DJ added soundscape while Bonafede gave homage to the four winds and chugged a bottle of kids paint with warm water. He laid on his canvas and vomited up the pigment all over his body. Then took a different bottle of watery pigment and chugged. He slightly raised his arms beside him like a snow angel. He projectile vomited that color all over himself also. He repeated with three more bottles of different pigment, lifting his arms up until his hand were all the way up above his head, like the actual effigy that is lit on fire at the end of the festival.